There was once a big friend group, they were
all different but together they were
inseparable. They were John, Adam, Ahmed,
Raphilia and Beta.
John came from a poor background but it didn’t
really affect him because he always had a
different dream than money, he
had a pretty weird dream, he wanted to
become an explorer. John was short, muscular
he had brown hair and blue eyes.
Adam Was tall he was about 6,2 feet tall and he
loved basketball.
He loved basketball, he wished to play in the
NBA. Adam’s favorite team was Memphis
grizzlies, he had long black hair. He came from
a wealthy background and lots of connections
but the rest of the group ignored him a lot.
Ahmad was a handsome young man. He was in
love with beta and she as well but they didn’t
know that the other liked the other. Ahmad
had long brown hair and a shade of hazel
brown eyes. He wasn’t really good in school he
was about to fail his junior year but a curve in
the grades saved him from repeating junior
year all his other friends passed junior year
easily but academics wasn’t his strong suit he
liked cubing (speed running the Rubik’s cube)
“Oh I love school” said Raphilia laughing at
Raphilia used to tease the friend group a lot,
she is what you would call the “perfect
student” she was good at all subjects especially
art she dreamt of going to art school but her
mother wouldn’t let her because she said “art
school does nothing but take money from you”
so she never bothered her mother by asking
her to go to art school, she knew her mother
wouldn’t change her mind.
Now last but not least is Beta. Beta had blonde
hair, green eyes and she was average height for
their age (they were all 16/17) she was into
religion, she was a Muslim and would
frequently go to the mosque around 3 times a